Maryanna Dinh
Maryanna Dinh is developing a general civil litigation practice.
Maryanna obtained her J.D. at the Peter A. Allard School of Law at the University of British Columbia in 2018. During law school, Maryanna competed in the Gale Cup Competitive Moot, worked as a student clinician at the Rise Women’s Legal Centre and volunteered as a student advocate at the Atira Legal Advocacy Program.
Before joining Hunter Litigation Chambers, Maryanna summered and articled at a national law firm in Vancouver and clerked for six justices of the British Columbia Supreme Court. Maryanna was called to the Bar of British Columbia in 2020.
Notable Cases
Notable Cases
The Law Society of British Columbia v. Yen, 2024 BCCA 416 (with William B. Smart, K.C.): acted as amicus curiae in an appeal from a review board’s decision to dismiss an allegation of professional misconduct against the subject member. The case turned, in part, on the distinction between the jurisdiction and powers of the Court of Appeal in respect of appeals brought under section 48 of the Legal Profession Act.
Madadi v. British Columbia, 2024 BCSC 719 (with Claire Hunter, K.C.): successfully applied to dismiss the plaintiff’s claim of misfeasance in public office against three individual defendants who acted as disciplinary hearing panel members at the former BC College of Teachers.
Taxplus Income Tax Preparation Inc. v. Swint, 2022 BCSC 2395 (with Mark S. Oulton): successfully defended against a document production application and obtained an order under s. 186 of the Business Corporations Act that an annual general meeting of the shareholders of the company be called in circumstances of deadlock between the shareholders and directors of the company.
Victoria Teleport Corporation v. Office of the Chief Gold Commissioner, 2024 BCSC 511 (with Brian Duong): counsel for Victoria Teleport Corporation in successfully appealing a decision made by the Chief Gold Commission to cancel three mineral claims held by the company.
Madadi v. British Columbia, 2023 BCSC 150 (with Claire Hunter K.C.): successfully resisted an application to add 16 proposed individual defendants to a misfeasance in public office lawsuit.
Interfor Corporation v. Mackenzie Sawmill Ltd., 2022 BCCA 228 (with Randy Kaardal, Q.C. and Julia Roos): successfully defended an appeal involving the operation of a force majeure clause and the doctrine of frustration in a breach of contract case.
Bajwa Farms Ltd. v. Bajwa, 2022 BCSC 1056 (with Claire Hunter, Q.C.): application to stay proceedings of a corporate plaintiff commenced at the behest of the president of the corporation only, without authorization from the board of directors nor leave of the Court.
Lo v. Vos, 2021 BCCA 421 (with Ryan Dalziel, Q.C.): appeal relating to pre-existing conditions and the proper approach to the assessment of future damages in a personal injury case.
Etemadi v. Maali, 2021 BCCA 298 (with Trevor Bant): appeal relating to an order under Rule 15-8 of the Supreme Court Family Rules granting the sale of a townhouse, subject to a third party interest, to fund an interim distribution of family property.
May 2024
Claire Hunter, K.C. and Maryanna Dinh were successful on an application for summary trial to dismiss a misfeasance in public office claim against three individual defendants who acted as disciplinary hearing panel members at the former BC College of Teachers. The reasons for judgment are available here.
April 2024
Maryanna Dinh and Brian Duong were counsel for Victoria Teleport Corporation in successfully appealing a decision made by the Chief Gold Commissioner to cancel three mineral claims held by the company. The decision can be found here.
February 2023
Claire Hunter K.C. and Maryanna Dinh successfully resisted an application to add 16 proposed individual defendants to a misfeasance in public office lawsuit on the basis that the claim fails to disclose any cause of action against them and, in any event, would not be just and convenient in the circumstances, particularly given the recent Court of Appeal decision in British Columbia v. Greengen Holdings Ltd., 2023 BCCA 24. A copy of the decision can be found here.
June 2022
Randy Kaardal, Q.C., Julia Roos and Maryanna Dinh, acting on behalf of a major forest company, successfully defended an appeal from an order dismissing the defendants’ summary trial application and declaring that a series of fires did not discharge the defendants’ obligations under a force majeure clause in the subject contract nor frustrate the contract, in a case that has attracted national media attention. A copy of the decision can be found here.
Claire Hunter, Q.C. and Maryanna Dinh, on behalf of their clients, successfully stayed legal proceedings brought by a corporate plaintiff on the basis that the proceedings were not authorized by its board of directors and leave of the Court to commence a derivative action was not obtained. The decision clarifies the principles relating to the implied authority of an individual to commence legal proceedings in the name of a company. A copy of the decision can be found here.
May 2022
A Hunter Litigation Chambers team led by Claire Hunter Q.C., with the assistance of associates Simone Penney, Maryanna Dinh, Susan Humphrey and Nathan Wells following a 4-day hearing obtained a judgment setting aside an ex parte Mareva injunction against our client.
November 2021
Ryan Dalziel Q.C. and Maryanna Dinh successfully represented a plaintiff in her appeal of a trial judge’s assessment of non-pecuniary damages, future costs of care and loss of future earning capacity following a motor vehicle collision. The appeal reaffirmed the proper principles and approach to assessing future damages in the presence or absence of a pre-existing condition. A copy of the decision can be found here.
August 2021
Trevor Bant and Maryanna Dinh successfully defended an appeal from an order that an interim distribution of family property be paid to the respondent and, if necessary, real property subject to the beneficial interest of a third party be sold to enforce the interim distribution order. A copy of the decision can be found here.