Randy J. Kaardal, K.C.
Randy J. Kaardal, K.C. is a senior litigator handling a wide range of commercial litigation for clients in the financial, mining, forestry, and manufacturing sectors. He has conducted hearings before all levels of Court in Canada, including the Supreme Court of British Columbia, the British Columbia Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court of Canada. He also regularly appears before various administrative tribunals including the B.C. Securities Commission, the Federal and Provincial Human Rights Tribunals, and the Environmental Appeal Tribunal. In addition, Mr. Kaardal maintains a labour and employment practice representing both employers and employees on employment, labour and pension issues. In this capacity he has appeared in numerous arbitration hearings and in proceedings before both the federal and provincial labour relations boards and the superior courts.
Mr. Kaardal is recognized in The Canadian Legal Lexpert Directory as one of the leading lawyers in Canada and Litigation Star in Benchmark Litigation. He is also recognized in The Best Lawyers in Canada in the areas of Administrative and Public Law, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Appellate Practice, Corporate and Commercial Litigation and Labour and Employment Law, Who’s Who Legal Canada for Labour, Employment & Benefits, and is ranked in the London-based Chambers Canada Guide in Litigation: General Commercial (British Columbia). He served as a law clerk to the Honourable Beverley McLachlin, then Justice of the British Columbia Court of Appeal, and the Honourable Henry Hutcheon from 1986 to 1987.
He has been a lecturer at the Faculty of Law, University of British Columbia and has spoken at seminars and conferences sponsored by the Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia, the Justice Institute of British Columbia, the Canadian Institute for the Administration of Justice and the Canadian Environmental Association and the American Bar Association.
In 2013 Mr. Kaardal was appointed a member of both the Provincial Court Judges Compensation Commission and the Judicial Justices Compensation Commission.
In 2014 Mr. Kaardal was appointed King’s Counsel.
In 2016 he was re-appointed as a Member of the 2016 Judicial Compensation Commission.
In 2017 Mr. Kaardal was appointed to the Register of Timber Harvesting Contract and Subcontract Mediators and Arbitrators.
In 2018 Mr. Kaardal was named Fellow of the Litigation Counsel of America. Within that organization he is appointed Barrister, Order of Veritas, and is a member of both the Trial Law Institute and the Diversity Law Institute.
Mr. Kaardal also serves as the Honorary Consul General of Norway in British Columbia.
Professional Activities
Recent Professional Activities
Fellow: Litigation Counsel of America; appointed Barrister, Order of Veritas, and member of both the Trial Law Institute and the Diversity Law Institute.
Speaker at Insight's 11th Edition Western Labour and Employee Relations Forum. Presented a paper entitled: Navigating the Issue of Retirement with the Abolition of the Mandatory Retirement Age, Vancouver, BC, January, 2015
Speaker: CBA Administrative Law, Labour and Employment Law Conference. Presented a paper entitled: A British Columbia Perspective on the participation of the Tribunal, Issues of Fairness and the Contents of the Record on Judicial Review Proceedings, Ottawa, ON, November, 2014
Speaker: "Human Rights and Accommodation Conference", Lancaster House, Vancouver, B.C., April 2013
Speaker: CBA – BC Employment Law Section “Ethical and Strategic Issues respecting Wrongful Dismissal Matters” (October 2011)
Participated and Panellist - "Retaliations and Reprisal: Protecting the Human Rights Complaint", Lancaster House "Human Rights and Accommodation Conference", Vancouver, British Columbia, March 30, 2011
Presenter - 6th Annual Western Canada Labour Relations Conference, Insight. Presented a paper entitled: The Impact of Honda v. Keays on Labour Arbitration, Vancouver, B.C., January 18 & 19, 2011
Speaker - "2010 National Administrative Law, Labour & Employment Law and Privacy & Access Law Conference", Canadian Bar Association, Ottawa, Ontario, November 26 and 27, 2010
Participated as a speaker at the Federated Press' "Managing Employees Disabilities" and presented a paper entitled Managing & Accommodating Employees With Disabilities: When is Enough Enough? (April, 2009)
Chair of the Pacific Business & Law Institute's "Employment Law: Staying Current in Critical Times". Presented a paper entitled Employment Class Actions: An Update (June 2009)
Speaker – "Practical Implications of the Supreme Court of Canada Decision in RBC Dominion Securities Inc. v. Merrill Lynch Canada Inc.", Employment Law Subsection, British Columbia Bar Association, Vancouver, B.C., November 24, 2008
Speaker/Presenter – "Proving and Disproving Apprehensions/Allegations of Bias: Key Issues", Advanced Administrative Law & Practice West, The Canadian Institute, Vancouver, B.C., May 1, 2008
Speaker/Panel Member – "Human Rights and Workplace Privacy Conference", Lancaster House, Vancouver, B.C., April 19, 2007
Co-chair – "The Latest Legal Developments – New and Proven Strategies for Avoiding Liability", Western Canadian Advanced Forum of Employment Law, the Canadian Institute, Vancouver B.C., February 23-24, 2007
Speaker/Panel Member – "Human Rights 2005", Continuing Legal Education, Vancouver, B.C., November 2, 2005
Speaker – "British Columbia Court Re-Establishes Employee Mitigation Rules upon Sale of a Business", recent Developments on Labour and Employment Law in Ontario, Toronto, ON, June 24, 2005
Presenter "Taku River Tlingit First Nation v. British Columbia (Project Assessment Director), 2004 SCC 74 and The Duty to Accommodate (updated)", First Nation Forestry Tax Conference, Vancouver, B.C., May 18-19, 2005
Speaker – "The Employer’s Duty to Accommodate", The Canadian Institute, Vancouver, B.C., May 12-13, 2005
Presenter – "The Changing Landscape of Aboriginal Engagement: Perspectives in Recent Supreme Court Rulings", Canadian Energy Pipeline Associations’ Aboriginal Engagement Workshop, February 24, 2005
Presenter and Panellist – "The Haida and Taku River Decisions", Continuing Legal Educations Society of British Columbia, February 3, 2005
Presenter and Panellist – "Improving BC Land Access & Community Consultation", The Canadian Institute, November 25-26, 2004
Presenter – "Bridging the Gap", B.C. Human Resources Management Association, June 9-10, 2004
Presenter: "Managing and Accommodating the Disabled: The Employer’s Burden Evidentiary and Otherwise", The Latest Developments – New and Proven Strategies for Avoiding Liability, The Canadian Institute, Vancouver, B.C., February 23-24, 2004
Notable Cases
Notable Cases
Parker Cove Properties Limited Partnership v Gerow, 2023 BCSC 1397 (with Simone Penney): successfully defended on summary trial an action by a sublessor seeking to terminate a residential sublease and repossess the subleased property.
Interfor Corporation v. Mackenzie Sawmill Ltd., 2022 BCCA 228 (with Maryanna Dinh and Julia Roos): successfully defended an appeal involving the operation of a force majeure clause and the doctrine of frustration in a breach of contract case.
In his role as counsel, Mr. Kaardal has been lead counsel in many cases that have set important precedents or have attracted significant public interest:
Kerfoot v. Richter, 2018 BCCA 238 (with Julia Roos): successfully brought an appeal concerning the presumption of undue influence under s. 52 of the Wills, Estates and Succession Act and the test for converting a petition to an action.
Butterfield (Re), 2017 LSBC 02 – successfully represented the Law Society of British Columbia in a matter involving a conditional admission of professional misconduct by a lawyer for sexually harassing two employees. This is the first instance the Law Society of British Columbia has disciplined a lawyer for sexual harassment as professional misconduct.
China CITIC Bank Corporation Limited v. Yan, 2016 BCSC 2332: Defended against an application to set aside a Mareva injunction obtained ex parte and in camera by a Chinese bank seeking to enforce a foreign arbitration award. While the Supreme Court of British Columbia found that the bank had overstated its case when seeking the injunction, the Court nevertheless concluded that the balance of convenience favoured maintaining the injunction. Also successfully represented the bank in petition proceedings to recognize the arbitration award of approximately CAD 10 million in British Columbia.
Grewal v. Grewal and Grewal, 2016 BCCA 237: counsel in a successful appeal from a trial judgement allowing partition of property and valuation of assets on basis that the trial judge's staged process of re-opening the trial and releasing incomplete and conflicting judgements was unfair and prejudiced the Appellant. Now a leading decision from BCCA on fair trial process.
Ogden v. Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, 2015 BCCA 175: Successfully appealed a trial judgment, in which the trial judge had found that the appellant had wrongfully terminated the employment of the respondent for cause. The appeal was allowed on the bases that the trial judge had misconstrued the legal argument of the appellant, had made irreconciliable findings of fact and had misapprehended evidence.
Haghdust v. B.C. Lottery Corporation, 2014 BCSC 1327: (with S. Ramsay and B. Olthuis): successfully represented the British Columbia Lottery Corporation (BCLC) in one of British Columbia's first common issues trials under the Class Proceedings legislation. In the result, the Court upheld BCLC's right to withhold jackpots from individuals excluded gaming facilities by reason of their enrolment in a Voluntary Self Exclusion program.
Catalyst Paper and CRSEA, 2012 BCSC 451: Mr. Kaardal represented the Catalyst Retired Salaried Employee Association (CRSEA) in the CCAA restructuring of Catalyst. The proposed winding-up and sale of the company would have crystallized a $115 million deficit in the underfunded salaried employee pension fund and affected CRSEA's 1000 members significantly. On behalf of CRSEA, Mr. Kaardal was instrumental in proposing an alternate compromise which resulted in a rare second CCAA plan that avoided the sale of the company and allowed continuation of the Pension Plan.
Avanti Mining Inc. v. Kitsault Resort Ltd., 2010 BCSC 1181
Macaraeg v. E Care Contact Centers Ltd., 2008 BCCA 1: Mr. Kaardal represented the employer in the leading British Columbia decision determining that mandatory overtime provisions of the Employment Standards Act are not incorporated as terms of employment contracts and as such entitlement to overtime in accordance with such provisions cannot be pursued by class action or individual civil court action.
Taku River Tlingit First Nation v. British Columbia (Project Assessment Director), 2004 SCC 74: a companion case to Haida Nation. Mr. Kaardal successfully represented the proponent of the mine in this leading case which clarified the Crown’s duty to consult with potentially affected First Nations and establishes the circumstances when the duty to consult with First Nations has been met.
C.D. Lee Trucking Ltd. v. Industrial Wood and Allied Workers of Canada (1998), 47 C.L.R.B.R. (2d) 1 (B.C.S.C.): establishing principles concerning the standard of reasonable apprehension of bias of a member of the Labour Relations Board and ordering the Chair of the Board to not be involved with a certain labour relations dispute.
McPhillips v. British Columbia Ferry Corporation, 1994 BCCA 6416:
R. v. Rivtow Straits Ltd., 1993 BCCA 1769
Wasilifsky v. North Vancouver Teachers' Assn., (1990) 9 C.L.R.B.R. (2d) 206 (B.C. I.R.C.): established that the Industrial Relations Code of British Columbia violated the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms protection of religions freedoms thus allowing the two teachers to be exempt from union membership.
Recent Publications
Co-author, "The Gig Economy: Dependent Contractors, Workers’ Rights, and the Canadian Approach", paper presented at the American Bar Association’s Midwinter Meeting of the Employment Rights and Responsibilities Committee, March 2018
Navigating the Issue of Retirement with the Abolition of the Mandatory Retirement Age, paper presented at Insight's "11th Edition Western Labour and Employee Relations Forum", January 2015
A British Columbia Perspective on the participation of the Tribunal, Issues of Fairness and the Contents of the Record on Judicial Review Proceedings, paper presented at CBA's "Administrative Law, Labour and Employment Law Conference", November 29, 2014
The Impact of Honda v. Keays on Labour Arbitration, paper presented at Insight's "6th Annual Western Canada Labour Relations Conference", January, 2011
Managing & Accommodating Employees With Disabilities: When is Enough Enough?, paper presented at the Federated Press' "Managing Employees Disabilities", April 2009
Employment Class Actions: An Update, presented a paper at the Pacific Business & Law Institute's "Employment Law: Staying Current in Critical Times", June 2009
"Supreme Court of Canada Creates Constitutional Right to Collective Bargaining", Employment and Labour Law Report, Vol. 17, No. 4, July 2007
"Accidental Termination Costs in B.C. Seniors Home $700,000.00", Canadian HR Reports, December 18, 2006
"Forced Listening: British Columbia’s New Unfair Labour Practice", Employment and Labour Law Reporter, Vol. 15, No. 6, September 2005
"British Columbia Court Re-Establishes Employee Mitigation Rules Upon Sale of a Business", Employment and Labour Law Reporter, Vol. 15, No. 3, June 2005
"The Criminalization of Workplace Safety: Addressing Personal and Corporate Liability Following Bill C-45", paper presented at Insight Information Co.’s Mining Forum, April 14 - 15, 2005 (co-author)
"Taku River Tlingit First Nations v. British Columbia (Project Assessment Director), 2004 SCC 74 and The Duty to Accommodate", The Haida and Taku River Decisions", Continuing Legal Education (CLE) of B.C., Hyatt Regency, Vancouver, B.C., February 3, 2005
"Haida and Taku River Decisions – A Modest Proposal", Improving BC Land Access & Community Consultation", Canadian Institute, Fairmont Hotel, Vancouver, B.C., November 25-26, 2004
August 2024
We are proud to announce that Randy J. Kaardal, K.C., has been recognized in The Best Lawyers in Canada (2025 Edition) for 2025 as a Lawyer of the Year. Since his first honor in 2006, Mr. Kaardal has consistently demonstrated exceptional expertise in several key areas of law, including Administrative and Public Law, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Appellate Practice, Corporate and Commercial Litigation, and Labour and Employment Law. With a career marked by dedication, excellence and mentorship, Mr. Kaardal continues to provide outstanding legal counsel and representation along with his team. This ongoing recognition by The Best Lawyers highlights his significant contributions and expertise in these critical fields. Congratulations to Randy J. Kaardal, K.C., on this well-deserved acknowledgment of his continued commitment to legal excellence.
May 2024
HLC is delighted to announce its continued recognition as "Highly Recommended" in Benchmark Canada 2024. This acknowledgment highlights the exceptional expertise and dedication of our legal professionals. Congratulations to Randy J. Kaardal, K.C. for his well-deserved recognition as a "Litigation Stars" by Benchmark.
March 2024
Randy Kaardal, K.C, has once more received acknowledgment in the 2024 Lexpert Canada Directory for his accomplishments in Employment Law and Corporate/Commercial Litigation.
January 2024
HLC congratulates Randy Kaardal, K.C. for his recognition in the 2024 Chambers & Partners directory, showcasing his contributions to the field of General Commercial Litigation (BC).
December 2023
Randy J. Kaardal, K.C. and Simone Penney successfully defended on summary trial sublessees under a residential sublease in respect of a claim alleging breach of the sublease, which sought to terminate the sublease and repossess the subleased property, as well as damages. The Court the concluded the plaintiff was not entitled to terminate the sublease, and dismissed the plaintiff’s claims. The reasons for judgment are available here.
August 2023
Randy Kaardal is recognized by Best Lawyers® in Canada (2024 Edition) for his work in Administrative and Public Law, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Appellate Practice, Corporate and Commercial Litigation, Labour and Employment Law.
June 2023
Randy Kaardal K.C. and Hayden Cook successfully obtained leave to appeal and a stay of proceedings of a receivership order on behalf of Creative Wealth Media. A copy of the article can be found here.
April 2023
Hunter Litigation Chambers is proud to continue to receive the highest ranking of “Highly Recommended” in Benchmark Canada 2023. This is a testament to the talent and hard work of our individual lawyers, three of whom have been ranked as “Litigation Stars” by Benchmark. Congratulations to Bill Smart K.C., Randy Kaardal, K.C. and Claire Hunter, K.C.
March 2023
The firm is pleased to announce that Claire Hunter K.C. and Randy Kaardal K.C. have been shortlisted for Benchmark Litigation Canada Awards this year. Claire is one of six lawyers on the shortlist for British Columbia Litigator of the Year and Randy is one of five lawyers nationally on the shortlist for Labor & Employment Litigator of the year.
Hunter Litigation Chambers has again been ranked in Lexpert Canada Directory 2023. This year we are honoured to be included in the directory’s highest category for Vancouver boutiques of Most Frequently Recommended for our work in Litigation-Corporate Commercial and Repeatedly Recommended for Forestry Law. In addition, Claire Hunter K.C. is ranked as a leading lawyer in both the Litigation-Corporate Commercial and Litigation- Regulatory & Public Law categories and Randy Kaardal K.Cc is ranked as a leading lawyer in the Employment Law – Employer and Employment Law – Employee categories.
October 2022
HLC congratulates Randy Kaardal, K.C., for being named among the “Leading” Employment Lawyers in British Columbia, in the category of Employer Representation, in the 2022 edition of Doyles.
September 2022
HLC congratulates Randy Kaardal, K.C. on being named for a sixth time in the 2023 Chambers & Partners directory for his work in Commercial Litigation.
August 2022
Best Lawyers in Canada™ has released the 2023 edition of its publication and Randy Kaardal, Q.C. is recognized in five areas: Administrative and Public Law, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Appellate Practice, Corporate and Commercial Litigation, and Labour and Employment Law.
June 2022
Randy Kaardal, Q.C., Julia Roos and Maryanna Dinh, acting on behalf of a major forest company, successfully defended an appeal from an order dismissing the defendants’ summary trial application and declaring that a series of fires did not discharge the defendants’ obligations under a force majeure clause in the subject contract nor frustrate the contract, in a case that has attracted national media attention. A copy of the decision can be found here.
April 2022
HLC congratulates Randy Kaardal, Q.C. on being named a “Litigation Star” by Benchmark Canada 2022. This designation is bestowed upon individuals who are consistently recommended as reputable and effective litigators during interviews with clients and the nation’s leading private practice lawyers and in-house counsel.
March 2022
HLC congratulates Randy Kaardal, Q.C. and Claire Hunter, Q.C. and their fellow nominees on being shortlisted by Benchmark Canada for, respectively, 2022 Labor & Employment Litigator of the Year and 2022 Litigator of the Year (BC). The full list of nominations can be found here.
February 2022
Randy Kaardal, Q.C. has once again been recognized in Lexpert Canada Directory 2022 for his work in the areas of Employment Law and Corporate/Commercial Litigation.
September 2021
Hunter Litigation Chambers is gratified that both the firm and Randy Kaardal, Q.C. are prominently featured in the September 2021 edition of In-House Lawyer. The article highlights that HLC was voted one of the 2020/21 Top 10 Litigation Boutiques in Canada by Canadian Lawyer readers.
HLC congratulates Randy Kaardal, Q.C. on being named for a fourth time in the 2022 Chambers & Partners directory for his work in Commercial Litigation.
August 2021
Best Lawyers in Canada™ has released the 2022 edition of its publication and Randy Kaardal, Q.C. is recognized in five areas: Administrative and Public Law, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Appellate Practice, Corporate and Commercial Litigation, and Labour and Employment Law.
Randy Kaardal, Q.C., Paul Heisler, and Caitlin Ehman successfully represented the Executive Director of the Securities Commission in a stated case referred to the Supreme Court by the Attorney General of British Columbia, in which Madam Justice Jackson upheld the constitutionality of the Security Commission’s power to freeze assets. A copy of that decision is here.
May 2021
We are pleased to announce that Randy Kaardal, Q.C. has been appointed Barrister, Order of Veritas by the Litigation Counsel of America. Randy has been a Fellow of the Counsel since 2018, and is a member of their Trial Law Institute and their Diversity Law Institute. Admission to the Trial Law Institute is by invitation only and is limited to just one percent of the bar. Its members are held to the highest ethical standards and their purpose is to promote professionalism, ethics and civility in all aspects of the practice of law.
Hunter Litigation Chambers is pleased to announce that Claire Hunter, Q.C. and Randy Kaardal, Q.C. have been shortlisted by Benchmark Litigation Canada Awards 2021: Claire in the category of British Columbia Litigator of the Year and Randy in the category Labor & Employment Litigator of the Year. The winners will be announced at the virtual awards ceremony on May 12, 2021.
April 2021
Hunter Litigation Chambers has again been ranked in the Canadian Legal Lexpert Directory 2021 in the areas of Litigation-Corporate Commercial and Forestry Law. Four of our Counsel have been again recognized in various practice areas: Randy Kaardal, Q.C. (Employment), Claire Hunter, Q.C. (Corp/Comm Litigation), Mark Oulton (Forestry Law), and Ryan Dalziel, Q.C. (Corp/Comm Litigation and Regulatory & Public Law). In addition, Trevor Bant has been named a Leading Lawyer to Watch in the area of Regulatory & Public Law. The Lexpert Directory is the product of a comprehensive annual peer survey, the selected lawyers being acknowledged as leaders in their respective fields. Congratulations to all for this well-earned recognition.
February 2021
Who’s Who Legal Canada has recognized Randy Kaardal, Q.C., for his work in Labour, Employment and Benefits.
October 2020
Randy Kaardal, Q.C., Julia Roos and articling student Ben Kaardal were successful in defending a summary trial application seeking to dismiss a breach of contract claim. The summary trial application focused on the asserted defences of force majeure and frustration. Reasons for judgment can be found here.
June 2020
Hunter Litigation Chambers is pleased to announce that Randy Kaardal, Q.C. has been named Labour & Employment Litigator of the Year by Benchmark Litigation (see press release). We congratulate Randy on this well-deserved recognition.
May 2020
Randy Kaardal comments on employment law issues during the COVID-19 pandemic in a CTV news interview. Read the full article here.
April 2020
HLC is pleased to continue to receive the highest ranking of “Highly Recommended” in Benchmark Canada 2020. This is a testament to the talent and hard work of our individual lawyers, seven of whom have been ranked as “Litigation Stars” by Benchmark. Congratulations to Bill Smart Q.C., Randy Kaardal, Q.C., Claire Hunter, Q.C., Mike Stephens, Mark Oulton, Brent Olthuis and Ryan Dalziel.
Hunter Litigation Chambers has again been ranked in Lexpert Canada Directory 2020 in the areas of Litigation-Corporate Commercial and Forestry Law. In addition, six of our Counsel have been again recognized by Canadian Legal Lexpert 2020 Directory in a wide variety of practice areas: Randy Kaardal, Q.C. (Employment), Claire Hunter, Q.C. (Corp/Comm Litigation), Mike Stephens (Corp/Comm Litigation), Mark Oulton (Forestry Law), Brent Olthuis (Corp/Comm Litigation) and Ryan Dalziel (Corp/Comm Litigation and Regulatory & Public Law). Congratulations to all for this well-earned recognition.
Randy Kaardal, Q.C. is named as a finalist in the Labour/Employment Lawyer category of the Benchmark Canada awards 2020. Unfortunately, the award dinner in April has been cancelled, but winners will be announced on May 28th. The firm congratulates Randy and his fellow nominees for this well-deserved recognition.
September 2019
Hunter Litigation Chambers and its counsel were again highly ranked in the 2020 Chambers Canada guide released this month by Chambers and Partners. The Chambers Canada guide ranks lawyers and law firms in over 40 specialist practice areas across Canada, based primarily on peer and client interviews. In this most recent edition, five of our counsel achieved recognition, and across three categories. Randy J. Kaardal, Q.C., Claire Hunter, Q.C., Mike Stephens and Brent Olthuis were each again ranked as leading practitioners in the general commercial litigation category for British Columbia. Mike was also featured in the spotlight table for administrative & public law litigation in BC. Mark Oulton again achieved Band 1 recognition – the highest ranking - for his work in Agribusiness/Forestry nationally.
May 2019
Lexpert has released its 2019 directory of leading Canadian lawyers. Three of the firm’s lawyers are ranked as leading practitioners: Randy Kaardal is ranked in employment law (employer and employee), Claire Hunter in corporate commercial litigation and Mark Oulton in forestry law.
March 2019
Benchmark Canada has released its 2019 Attorney rankings and again Randy Kaardal, Q.C. is recognized as a litigation star.
October 2018
Hunter Litigation Chambers was again highly ranked in the 2019 Chambers Canada guide, recently published by Chambers and Partners.
In this most recent edition of the Guide, five of our counsel achieved recognition across two categories. Randy Kaardal, Q.C., Michael Stephens, Brent Olthuis and Claire Hunter were each again ranked as leading practitioners in the area of Litigation: General Commercial. Mark Oulton achieved a Band 1 recognition – the highest ranking - for his work in Agribusiness: Forestry – Nationwide - Canada.
The Chambers Canada guide ranks the best lawyers and law firms in over 40 specialist practice areas across Canada. Rankings are primarily based on peer and client interviews, but also rely on information submitted by law firms.
August 2018
The Best Lawyers in Canada (2019 Edition) recognized Randy J. Kaardal, Q.C. in 5 areas of Law: Administrative and Public Law, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Appellate Practice, Corporate and Commercial Litigation, and Labour and Employment Law.
July 2018
The Royal Norwegian Embassy has appointed Randall Kaardal as Honorary Consul General with jurisdiction in the province of British Columbia. This appointment has been recognized by the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada effective April 23, 2018.
Randy Kaardal, Q.C. and Julia Roos successfully brought an appeal concerning the presumption of undue influence under s. 52 of the Wills, Estates and Succession Act and the test for converting a petition to an action. The reasons of the Court are available here. Randy Kaardal Q.C. was also quoted by The Lawyer’s Daily in an article regarding the case, a copy of which can be found here.
May 2018
Martindale-Hubbell has released their 2018 ratings. Bill Smart, Mark Oulton and Brent Olthuis received the “AV/Preeminent” rating from their peers, which is the highest ranking. Michael Stephens and Randy Kaardal received the “Distinguished” rating. Each of these rating means that they were deemed by their peers to have very high professional ethics and preeminent/distinguished legal ability. Only lawyers with high ethical standards and professional ability receive a Martindale-Hubbell Peer Review Rating.
Benchmark Canada has released its 2018 Attorney rankings and each of Claire Hunter, Randy Kaardal, Q.C., Brent Olthuis, Mark Oulton, Bill Smart, Q.C. and Michael Stephens are recognized as litigation stars.
April 2018
Lexpert has released their 2018 directory of leading Canadian lawyers. Once again, Hunter Litigation Chambers is one of only two British Columbia litigation boutiques ranked in the top “most frequently recommended” band for corporate commercial litigation and the firm is also ranked as a leading firm in forestry law. Four lawyers are ranked as leading practitioners: Randy Kaardal is ranked in employment law (employer and employee), Mike Stephens and Claire Hunter in corporate commercial litigation and Mark Oulton in forestry law.
March 2018
Randy Kaardal has been selected as a Fellow of the Litigation Counsel of America. The LCA is a trial lawyer honorary society composed of less than one-half of one percent of American lawyers. Fellowship in the LCA is highly selective and by invitation only. Fellows are selected based upon excellence and accomplishment in litigation, both at the trial and appellate levels, and superior ethical reputation. The LCA is aggressively diverse in its composition. Established as a trial and appellate lawyer honorary society reflecting the American bar in the twenty-first century, the LCA represents the best in law among its membership. The number of Fellowships has been kept at an exclusive limit by design, allowing qualifications, diversity and inclusion to align effectively, with recognition of excellence in litigation across all segments of the bar. Fellows are generally at the partner or shareholder level, or are independent practitioners with recognized experience and accomplishment. In addition, the LCA is dedicated to promoting superior advocacy, professionalism and ethical standards among its Fellows.
October 2017
Hunter Litigation Chambers has again been listed as one of the three top dispute resolution firms in British Columbia by the influential Chambers Guide 2018. Randy Kaardal, Q.C., Michael Stephens, Mark Oulton, Brent Olthuis and Claire Hunter were identified as leading litigation practitioners in the Guide.
August 2017
The Best Lawyers in Canada (2018 Edition) recognized Randy J. Kaardal, Q.C. in 5 areas of Law: Administrative and Public Law, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Appellate Practice, Corporate and Commercial Litigation, and Labour and Employment Law.
February 2017
Randy Kaardal, Q.C., Ryan Androsoff, and Rebecca Robb represented an Alberta-based Rural Electrification Association in successfully defending against an application brought by the adverse electrical distribution utility for a declaration that an arbitrator had lost jurisdiction to deal with costs. The utility sought to deny the Association the opportunity to claim its costs of a lengthy and hard-fought arbitration brought under the Alberta Electric Utilities Act and the related Roles, Relationships and Responsibilities Regulation in which the Association enjoyed substantial success. The arbitrator’s ruling that he retains jurisdiction to deal with costs means the Association may now seek recovery from the utility of the considerable expense it incurred in the course of the arbitration.