Rebecca Robb
Rebecca has a wide-ranging litigation practice, including commercial and corporate law, administrative and regulatory law and criminal law. She has appeared as counsel before all levels of Courts of British Columbia, the Federal Court of Appeal and various administrative tribunals, including the Law Society of BC Tribunal, the Forest Appeals Commission and the BC Farm Industry Review Board. Rebecca has been recognized by her peers in The Best Lawyers® in Canada for her work in Corporate and Commercial Litigation and Administrative and Public Law and been recognized as a “Rising Star” in dispute resolution by Legal 500.
Rebecca has experience advising clients on complex matters that involve navigating the intersections of criminal, regulatory, civil and administrative law. She has conducted civil and criminal trials and administrative hearings on behalf of both private and public entities. She has also been engaged as an investigator into matters of professional conduct.
Rebecca is a graduate of the four-year Juris Doctor/Master of Arts (International Affairs) program at the University of Ottawa and Carleton University. After graduating in 2012, Rebecca interned with the Pre-Trial Division of the International Criminal Court in The Hague. Rebecca clerked for the Supreme Court of British Columbia in 2012-2013 for six judges, and then joined Hunter Litigation Chambers in 2013.
Rebecca has volunteered for Access Pro Bono and has acted pro bono on various matters over the years. Rebecca has co-authored the "Civil Procedure – Court Rules" chapter in the Continuing Legal Education Society of BC’s Annual Review of Law & Practice text since 2017 and has presented to lawyers on various topics of advocacy. She is a member of the Canadian Bar Association.
Professional Activities
Access Pro Bono Society of British Columbia (Volunteer Lawyer (2014 – present)
Canadian Bar Association (Member 2014 – present)
Notable Cases
Minchin v. Movsessian, 2023 BCSC 144 (with Bill Smart, K.C. and Susan Humphrey): Defended a police officer, the City of Delta, and the Province of British Columbia in respect of a negligence claim arising from a shooting that occurred while the officer was conducting a high-risk vehicle takedown. The Court concluded the plaintiff had not proved the officer had breached the applicable standard of care.
K&M Farms v. BC Chicken Marketing Board, BCFIRB Decision dated December 13, 2022 (with Chantelle van Wiltenburg): Represented the BC Chicken Marketing Board on an BC Farm Industry Review Board appeal by a grower who had failed to comply with an order of the Chief Veterinary Officer that all commercial poultry be brought indoors to mitigate the risk of spread of highly pathogenic avian influenza. In light of the non-compliance with the CVO order, the Chicken Board refused to approve the grower’s next placement of chicks. The FIRB accepted the Chicken Board’s submission that “given the serious nature of AI, the Chicken Board was very measured in its response” and dismissed the appeal.
Minchin v. Movsessian, 2021 BCSC 1303: (co-counsel with Ryan Androsoff) represented the Minister of Justice, the Corporation of Delta, and a police officer in successfully applying for document production relief.
R. v. Greater Vancouver Water District (with William Smart, Q.C.): successfully defended GVWD in relation to charges under the Fisheries Act for its response to the puncture of one of its watermains that runs below the Fraser River. The decision was issued April 9, 2021 following a lengthy trial.
In the Matter of the Water Polo Canada Code of Conduct with Disciplinary Procedure (with Ryan J. Androsoff): represented Water Polo Canada in this disciplinary proceeding in successfully proving major infractions of Water Polo Canada’s Code of Conduct with Disciplinary Procedure, and obtaining the sanction against the registrant of a permanent ban from future registration or participation in Water Polo Canada events or activities.
Tsleil-Waututh Nation v. Canada (Attorney General), 2018 FCA 153 (with K. Michael Stephens): counsel for the applicant City of Vancouver in consolidated judicial review applications concerning the proposed expansion of the Trans Mountain pipeline system.
R. v. Sandhu, 2018 BCPC 122 (with William Smart, Q.C.): successfully defended client in relation to manslaughter charge on the ground of self-defence.
Sohi v. Best Choice Blueberry Farms Ltd., 2018 BCSC 36 (with Julia Roos): represented the directors and the company in responding to a petition brought by the minority shareholder under the BC Business Corporations Act, which resulted in an order for the buy out of the minority shareholder pursuant to an independent valuation process.
Butterfield (Re), 2017 LSBC 02 (with Randy Kaardal): successfully represented the Law Society of British Columbia in a matter involving a conditional admission of professional misconduct by a lawyer for sexually harassing two employees. This is the first instance the Law Society of British Columbia has disciplined a lawyer for sexual harassment as professional misconduct.
Regal Ideas Inc. v. Haus Innovations Inc. and others., 2016 BCSC 1883 (with Mark Oulton): Counsel for Regal Ideas Inc. in successfully obtaining an anton piller order to preserve evidence in a commercial case involving alleged breach of contract and misuse of confidential and proprietary information.
Ogden v. Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, 2015 BCCA 175 (with Randy Kaardal, Q.C. and Paul Heisler): Successfully appealed a trial judgment, in which the trial judge had found that the appellant had wrongfully terminated the employment of the respondent for cause. The appeal was allowed on the bases that the trial judge had misconstrued the legal argument of the appellant, had made irreconciliable findings of fact and had misapprehended evidence.
M.E.K. v. M.K.K., 2014 BCSC 2037 (with Claire Hunter, Q.C.): obtained order to vary spousal support and to obtain retroactive support.
Rebecca Robb (with Ken McEwan, Q.C.) represented the Law Society of British Columbia in the Court of Appeal, successfully defending an appeal from a Discipline Panel’s finding of professional misconduct.
Randy Kaardal, Q.C., Ryan Androsoff, and Rebecca Robb represented an Alberta-based Rural Electrification Association in successfully defending against an application brought by the adverse electrical distribution utility for a declaration that an arbitrator had lost jurisdiction to deal with costs. The utility sought to deny the Association the opportunity to claim its costs of a lengthy and hard-fought arbitration brought under the Alberta Electric Utilities Act and the related Roles, Relationships and Responsibilities Regulation in which the Association enjoyed substantial success. The arbitrator’s ruling that he retains jurisdiction to deal with costs means the Association may now seek recovery from the utility of the considerable expense it incurred in the course of the arbitration.
"Civil Procedure – Court Rules" in the Continuing Legal Education Society of BC’s Annual Review of Law & Practice (2017-2024), by Mark Oulton, Rebecca J. Robb and Nicole C. Gilewicz
"Reasonable Expectation of Privacy – Empiricism in the Analysis of Informational Privacy", Paper prepared for the CBA National Criminal Justice Conference - April 8, 2017, by Rebecca J. Robb
"Civil Procedure – Court Rules" in the Continuing Legal Education Society of BC’s Annual Review of Law & Practice (2017), by Mark Oulton, Rebecca J. Robb and Kenneth K. Leung
"Civil Procedure – Court Rules" in the Continuing Legal Education Society of BC’s Annual Review of Law & Practice (2016), by Mark Oulton, Rebecca J. Robb, Katie E. Webber and Kenneth K. Leung
"Civil Procedure – Court Rules" in the Continuing Legal Education Society of BC’s Annual Review of Law & Practice (2015), by Mark Oulton, Rebecca J. Robb, Katie E. Webber and Kenneth K. Leung
"Canadian Cases in Public International Law" in Canadian Yearbook of International Law (2013-2014), by Gib van Ert, Greg J. Allen and Rebecca J. Robb
August 2024
We are delighted to announce that Rebecca Robb has been recognized in The Best Lawyers in Canada 2025 Edition for her outstanding expertise in Administrative and Public Law, as well as Corporate and Commercial Litigation. Her exceptional contributions and unwavering dedication have earned her this prestigious honor. Congratulations, Rebecca.
June 2024
Rebecca Robb was a guest instructor at the annual CLE Winning Advocacy Skills Workshop. More information about this three-day workshop can be found here.
August 2023
Rebecca Robb is recognized by Best Lawyers® in Canada (2024 Edition) for her work in Administrative and Public Law, Corporate and Commercial Litigation.
February 2023
Bill Smart, K.C., Rebecca Robb, and Susan Humphrey successfully defended a police officer, the City of Delta, and the Province of British Columbia in respect of a negligence claim arising from a shooting that occurred while the officer was conducting a high-risk vehicle takedown. The Court concluded the plaintiff had not proved the officer had breached the applicable standard of care. The reasons for judgment are available here.
March 2022
On March 4, 2022, Rebecca Robb presented on a panel “If I Knew then what I Know Now” with Peter Senkpiel of Nathanson, Schachter & Thompson LLP and Allison Wolf of Shift Works Strategic Inc., with Joel Morris of Harper Grey as Moderator, for the CLEBC Course How to Be a Great Junior Litigator 2022.
November 2021
On November 9, 2021, Rebecca Robb, together with Rebecca McConchie of Peck & Company, co-presented on “Communicating with your Expert Witness” as part of the Making the Most of Expert Evidence presentation series organized by the Trial Lawyers Association of BC.
July 2021
HLC is pleased to announce that Rebecca J. Robb has become Counsel of the firm. Rebecca articled with the firm and joined the firm as an associate in 2014. She will continue to grow her practice in the areas of commercial and corporate litigation and regulatory, administrative and criminal law. Congratulations to Rebecca on assuming her new role and responsibilities within the firm; we look forward to many more years of successful collaboration.
May 2019
Claire Hunter, Q.C. and Rebecca Robb were counsel for the British Columbia Chicken Marketing Board in successfully defending appeals to the Farm Industry Review Board from both the chicken processors and growers from the Board’s decision to set a pricing formula for chicken. The decision is available here
October 2017
Rebecca Robb attended the inaugural Canadian Benchmark Women in Litigation Forum in Toronto on October 18.
On October 11, Rebecca Robb and Trevor Bant were recognized at the Access Pro Bono Society’s Annual General Meeting as among the Top 10 volunteers in the roster program for 2016. Rebecca was also in the top 10 civil chambers program volunteers. Congratulations to Rebecca and Trevor!
April 2017
The Continuing Legal Education Society of B.C. has published its Annual Review of Law and Practice, and once again Hunter Litigation Chambers is well represented among the authors of this practice guide. Greg Allen, Eileen Patel and Ken Leung wrote the chapter of Administrative Law; Mark Oulton, Rebecca Robb and Ken Leung authored the section on Court Rules; and Alex Bjornson co-authored the chapter on Tort law.
March 2017
Rebecca Robb was interviewed for an article entitled "How to turn a clerkships into a job", in Precedent JD.
February 2017
Randy Kaardal, Q.C., Ryan Androsoff, and Rebecca Robb represented an Alberta-based Rural Electrification Association in successfully defending against an application brought by the adverse electrical distribution utility for a declaration that an arbitrator had lost jurisdiction to deal with costs. The utility sought to deny the Association the opportunity to claim its costs of a lengthy and hard-fought arbitration brought under the Alberta Electric Utilities Act and the related Roles, Relationships and Responsibilities Regulation in which the Association enjoyed substantial success. The arbitrator’s ruling that he retains jurisdiction to deal with costs means the Association may now seek recovery from the utility of the considerable expense it incurred in the course of the arbitration.
October 2016
Mark Oulton and Rebecca Robb successfully obtained an anton piller order to preserve evidence in a commercial case involving allegations of breach of contract, conversion and misuse of confidential and proprietary information. The reasons for judgment may be found here: Regal Ideas Inc. v. Haus Innovations Inc. and others.
August 2016
Ken McEwan, Q.C. and Rebecca Robb represented the Law Society of British Columbia in the Court of Appeal, successfully defending an appeal from a Discipline Panel’s finding of professional misconduct.
March 2016
Claire Hunter and Rebecca Robb brought a successful appeal on behalf of two hatching egg producers from a series of decisions of the British Columbia Broiler Hatching Egg Commission relating to the establishment of a quota system for specialty hatching egg production in British Columbia. In March 29, 2016, the Farm Industry Review Board found "significant errors of both policy and process" and set aside the decisions under appeal. The reasons are available here.
May 2015
Randy Kaardal, Q.C., Paul Heisler and Rebecca Robb successfully appealed a trial judgment finding that the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce had wrongfully terminated the employment of a financial advisor at the bank: Ogden v. C.I.B.C., 2015 BCCA 175.
March 2015
Bill Smart, Q.C. and Claire Hunter, with the assistance of Rebecca Robb, successfully obtained dismissed at trial of a historical abuse claim made against the firm’s client John Furlong. The Court found that the conduct in the litigation of the man who made claim was egregious, reprehensible and worthy of rebuke and awarded special costs to Mr. Furlong. The Oral Reasons For Judgment are available here.
February 2015
John Hunter, Q.C. and Claire Hunter, with the assistance of Rebecca Robb, successfully obtained dismissal at summary trial of a historical abuse claim made against John Furlong. The woman’s claim was dismissed on the basis that the evidence supported a conclusion that she did not attend the school at which Mr. Furlong taught during the time he was there. The Reasons for Judgment are available here.
October 2014
Claire Hunter and Rebecca Robb successfully obtained an order varying spousal support in favour of our firm’s client: http://www.canlii.org/en/bc/bcsc/doc/2014/2014bcsc2037/2014bcsc2037.pdf
April 2014
We are pleased to welcome Rebecca Robb as a new associate with the firm. Rebecca is a graduate of the University of Ottawa and Carleton University where she completed the joint Common Law and Master of Arts program. After receiving her law degree, Rebecca interned with the Pre-Trial Division of the International Criminal Court and clerked with the British Columbia Supreme Court. She then articled with our firm and joined us upon her call to the bar.