December 2008
Ken McEwan was recognized as one of British Columbia's four leading cross-border practitioners in Corporate-Commercial, Class Action & Securities Litigation in Lexpert's Guide to the Leading US/Canada Cross-Border Litigation Lawyers in Canada.
Ken was also identified as one of Canada's Leading Litigation Lawyers in the December 2008 Report on Business in the Globe & Mail. Bill Berardino and John Hunter were recognized in the same report.
November 2008
Gib van Ert has published the second edition of his book, Using International Law in Canadian Courts. As described by his publisher, Irwin Law, this work "sets out to provide Canadian practitioners and legal academics with a straightforward guide to using international law in Canadian courts and tribunals". Full details can be found at the Irwin Law website.
John Hunter addressed regulatory issues on a panel at the Symposium on Legal Education held at Ryerson University on November 25th. Later that week he presented a paper on Ethical Issues in Administrative Law Practice at the Continuing Legal Education's annual Administrative Law Conference.
October 2008
We are pleased to announce that Tam Boyer has joined our firm. Tam has recently been called to the bar in British Columbia after clerking for Justice Fish in the Supreme Court of Canada. He received his law degree from McGill University where he won several mooting prizes and academic awards. Tam is also a graduate of Dartmouth College where he was a member of the Varsity Lightweight Rowing team. He will be practising civil litigation and administrative law with the firm.
September 2008
Gib van Ert has published an article in the recent edition of The Lawyers Weekly entitled "Investor-State Arbitration Arrives in Canada" dealing with the impact of the Trade Investment and Labour Mobility Act (TILMA) for Alberta and British Columbia.
July 2008
The 2007-2008 edition of the publication Best Lawyers in Canada has been released and once again counsel from Hunter Litigation Chambers are well represented. Our counsel have been recognized in ten separate categories, Corporate and Commercial Litigation (Bill Berardino, John Hunter, David Harris and Ken McEwan), Bet-the Company Litigation (Bill Berardino), Natural Resources Law (Peter Voith and John Hunter), Director and Officer Liability (Bill Berardino), Administrative and Public Law (John Hunter), Product Liability (Bill Berardino), Class Action Litigation (Bill Berardino and Ken McEwan), Securities Law (Bill Berardino), Insurance law (Bill Berardino) and Legal Malpractice Law (Bill Berardino).
May 2008
Gib van Ert participated in a Continuing Legal Education conference on Using International Law in Canada on May 7th. Gib has written extensively in this field and gave a presentation on "Rules of Public International Law and How Counsel May Make Use of Them in Domestic Litigation". He has also written a chapter for the forthcoming publication of the book, "The Role of Domestic Courts in Treaty Enforcement: A Comparative Study".
April 2008
We are very pleased to announce that at their annual awards breakfast, Pro Bono Law B.C. named Brent Olthuis its 2008 Lawyer of the Year for his contribution to their pro bono judicial review program. Brent has conducted a number of matters through the pro bono program, both at the trial and appellate levels. Our congratulations to Brent for contributing to the community in the finest traditions of the bar.
On a somewhat lighter note, Hunter Litigation Chambers fielded its first team in the Canadian Bar Association's Law Week "Fun Run" on April 6th and won the trophy for fastest team time for a firm of fewer than 49 lawyers. Congratulations to our team leader Micah Rankin and to team members Sean George, Melissa Wills, Andi Mackay, Michael Stephens, Raeanne Pruden and John Hunter.
In photo from left to right are: Sean George, Melissa Wills, Andi Mackay, Micah Rankin, John Hunter, Caroline Nevin (Executive Director, CBA, BC Branch), Michael Stephens and Raeanne Pruden.
March 2008
David Harris was inducted as a Fellow of the American College of Trial Lawyers on March 8th. The College is the leading organization of litigation counsel in North America. Fellowship is by invitation only. David is the fourth member of Hunter Litigation Chambers to be elected to fellowship in the College.
We are pleased to announce that Jacqueline Hughes has joined the firm to continue her general civil litigation and advocacy practice. Jacqueline was called to the bar in 2005 and has practiced for two and a half years at a national firm.
January 2008
In the 2008 Lexpert/American Lawyer Guide to the Leading 500 Lawyers in Canada, Hunter Litigation Chambers was identified as the top litigation firm in Vancouver. Ken McEwan was recognized as one of the leading corporate-commercial litigators in Vancouver in the same Guide. Of the six barristers identified for corporate-commercial litigation, three are at Hunter Litigation Chambers.
On January 1st, John Hunter began his term as President of the Law Society of British Columbia. The Law Society is the statutory body authorized by the Legal Profession Act to regulate the legal profession in the public interest.